Advantages Of Web Stories

Create visually appealing and engaging content with ease

Web Stories make story creation as simple as possible from a
technical standpoint.

Editorial freedom and branding require creative flexibility

The Web Stories format includes pre-configured but
adaptable layout templates, standardised UI controls, and
components for sharing and adding follow-up content.

On the open web, content
can be shared and linked

Web Stories are part of the open web, which means
they can be shared and embedded across sites and
apps without being limited to a single ecosystem.

Keep track of and measure

Analytics and bookend capabilities for viral
sharing and monetization are supported.

Quick loading times

Web Stories are designed to keep your audience
engaged and entertained.

Storytelling that is immersive

Web Stories are a new and innovative way to reach
out to existing readers.

Strong Advertising Support

Web Stories enable publishers to monetize their content
by displaying full-screen immersive story ads and
affiliate links. For advertisers, Stories is a new
storytelling experience that allows them to reach a
specific audience.

Images, videos, and animated GIFs

Web Stories are created with visually rich media, and whether
you use images, videos, or GIF assets is entirely up to you.
Images and videos expand to visually fill the readers' screens,
resulting in a seamless and fully engaging experience.
To account for the user's network connection and browser
capabilities, AMP allows you to specify the file type.

Audio and text

Facts and figures should be communicated in bite-sized
chunks of one or two sentences, which are ideal for
mobile devices. For basic readability, select from a
variety of font colours. Alternatively, add visual
elements such as subtle black transparent gradient
overlays to ensure readability even on random background
imagery, such as user generated content. You can also use
short audio files on each page to provide spoken information
or background music.

Interactions and animations

Visual effects and tappable interactions that keep readers
engaged are simple to create. Titles can drop from the
sky, fade in, or animate onto the page. Configure your
story so that when a video snippet ends, it automatically
moves to the next page. At the end of your story, include
social sharing and related links so that users can share it
or explore other content on your site.